How to care for skin after RF microneedling?

After the radiofrequency microneedle treatment is completed, the skin barrier of the treated area will be opened, and growth factors, medical repair fluid and other products can be sprayed as needed. Slight redness and swelling will generally occur after the treatment. At this time, it is necessary to apply a repair mask in time to cool down and relieve pain. Apply the mask for at least 20 minutes.


If you want to use soothing products or topical medications, be sure to avoid products that may cause allergic reactions in patients, and sterile products are required.


In general, scabbing will form within 24 hours after the procedure. After scab formation, patients need to protect the scab. The treated area should not be exposed to water within 8 hours, and scratching with hands should be avoided. Let the scab peel off naturally, as this is conducive to the skin’s self-repair, aiming for better treatment results. Sun protection is essential after treatment.


Postoperative time Postoperative status Recovery tips Methods of care
0-3 days erythema


1-2 days for the redness period, the skin is slightly flushed and will feel tight. After 3 days, you can use normal skincare products. You can apply wrinkle serum on the obvious wrinkles. Do not touch water within 8 hours. After 8 hours, you can wash your face with clean water. Pay attention to sun protection.
4-7 days adaptation period


Skin enters a period of minimally invasive dehydration in about 3-5 days Strictly do a good job of sunscreen hydration to prevent the phenomenon of hyperpigmentation, and avoid entering and leaving high-temperature places, such as saunas, hot springs, etc.
8-30 days pay-forward period


After 7 days into the tissue reorganization and repair period, skin may have a slight itching. Then the skin began to become fine and shiny. A second treatment can be performed after 28 days. Treating in a whole course of treatment, the effect is better. 3-6 times for a course of treatment. After the treatment, the result can be maintained for 1-3 years.
Kind Reminder During the treatment and recovery period, you should also eat a light diet, have a regular routine. Follow up with your doctor if you have any problems.


Post time: Jun-12-2024